100% Jamaican
It has been noted that the contribution of women to the coffee industry has frequently been unrecognized and undervalued across the supply chain. Globally women do 65-75% of the work on the coffee farms but own only 10-20% of the land and traded beans. This alarming trend of inequity has been especially true for Jamaica. Jamrock Green Crops is focused on addressing these issues and seeks to connect women in coffee, to recognize women’s contribution to the industry, and to empower a sustainable future where women have equal access to resources and the benefits of their labor.
Jamrock Green Crops® is led by active women in the coffee industry who share their skills and networks to uplift the broader community including farmers, traders, and vendors, Jamrock Green Crops® is always seeking supporters/investors to partner with to make big moves so we can be a major impact on the coffee industry here in Jamaica and overseas.